I'm currently employed as a research scientist at ByteDance
intensively focusing on AI for science and Artificial Genreral Intelligence.
Natural language processing (NLP) is my "native language".
I established the cryo-EM research team at Bytedance Research, and our first work
CryoSTAR was accepted by
Nature Methods. I believe
that our effort to empowering AI for biology is well recognized by biologists.
Besides that, I have a fair understanding and experience in deep generative modeling (protein design, 3d generation, etc.),
traditional NLP tasks (labeling, parsing, translation, etc.), and of course, the popular LLM.
I was part of the Fudan NLP group and earned my Master's degree from Fudan
University (2017~2021),
under the mentorship of Prof. Xiaoqing Zheng.
In 2020, I gained invaluable experience visiting the University of California,
Los Angeles. During this visit, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Prof.
Cho-Jui Hsieh and Prof. Kaiwei Chang, focusing
primarily on the topic of model
security in the field of NLP. Since 2021, I joined
the ByteDance AI Lab, where I have been working closely with Prof. Hao Zhou(2021~2022) and
Prof. Quanquan Gu(2023~).
Email: zhouyi.naive[-]bytedance[-]com /
dugu9sword[-]gmail[-]com / yizhou17[-]fudan[-]edu[-]cn